The United States has 2.4 million people behind bars. Thousand Kites wants you to lend your voice to a powerful grassroots radio broadcast that reaches into our nation’s prison and lets those inside know they are not forgotten.
We are asking you to call our toll-free line 877-518-0606 and speak directly to those behind bars this holiday season. (An answering machine will record your message) Read a poem, sing a song, or just speak directly from you heart. Speak to someone you know or to everyone—make it uplifting.
So call right now at 877-518-0606. We will post each call on our website as it comes in! Check our website to listen to your call and others!
CALLS FROM HOME will broadcast on over 200 radio stations across the country and be available for download from our website on December 13.
Call anytime (now through December 9) at 877-518-0606 and record your message.
Learn how you can help blog, distribute, broadcast, or support <> this event.
CALLS FROM HOME is a project of Thousand Kites/WMMT-FM/Appalshop and a national network of grassroots organizations working for criminal justice reform.
In Peace,
Thousand Kites Team (Nick, Julia, Dudley, Donna, and Amelia)
Thousand Kites
91 Madison Ave
Whitesburg, KY 41858