Video Screening
- Length: 2 hours
- Public Domain
- Remixed
- Are You Ready For Marriage?
- Creative Commons
- Open Movie
Technical Workshop
- Remixing
- Media Change as Remix (Audiorecord Poetry, upload to librivox or Audiorecord CC text and upload to archive/ourmedia)
- Combine spoken word with music and sound effects to make audiomontage
- Using CC licenses
- Tagging audio files with CC metadata and uploading to
- making your blog CC
- flagging Images on Flickr as CC
- Finding open content
- Yahoo CC search
- Images:,, Flickr
- Sound clips: freesound project
Remix Collaboration
Introduce idea of making a remix publication at the first class. People can network to make it throughout the week.
Length: 2 days, 2 hours each. 1st day is history/philosophy second day = hands on technical use, political action
Time constraints
Towards beginning of fest
Collaborate with filmmaking workshop to release their content as CC
Cultural Environmentalism – James Boyle
Other Topics
- Non-digital free culture
- Example: performances of copyrighted plays have to get permission.
- Viral licenses
- CC/Free Culture Business Models
Hand out live CDs, open content CDs on Tuesday the 11th, also at the open content
video screening
- Research political action
- Downhill battle
- legislation that effects copyright
- Research free culture business models/paradigms