
I stumbled across this random blog post when I googled for “triffling” because I was curious about the spelling.  My friend once told me, half jokingly, that she thinks everyone is looking for a hustle.  Reading this piece of someone’s life, like a voyeur, I realize that I’m seriously outclassed when it comes to deviousness.  From the blog:

I say “Why do you keep him around, if you know he shady?”

She says “Think about this. If the police busted my house today, Who are they most likely to believe? A girl with no serious record or this dude that just got out of jail and is on probation.

I look at her in awe. She says “Its all part of the game. Even when people think they are winning and getting over, they are not. They see me as a dumb ass and think I dont notice this shit, when everything I do is a part of a plan.