climate change is so cool?

diesel climate change fashion ads

Their new “global warming ready” campaign seems too surreal to be true, and it’s pretty disgusting. Diesel is promoting the work of an organization called Stop Global Warming. Their ad campaign website offers such “useful” tips for things that you can do like “Eat Steak at a Restaurant” (it reduces both refridgerator energy consumption and bovine methane emissions) or “Have Sex” (energetic sex creates warmth thereby reducing heating bills).

When I see things like this, I try really hard to not just think “it’s fucked”, because of course it is. I want to try to think “what does this say about us as a culture” and where in that frustrating, ugly picture can we find the beginning of something different.

Link to comentary about the ads on Daily Kos
Link to Diesel’s website (click on “Collection->Advertising Campaign” to view)