Friday, August 24th
Space 101 (101 E. 6th, Bloomington)
$3, All Ages, 8:00 PM
“The Marvellous is Always Beautiful”
-Andre Breton
A presentation of large music in a large space featuring:
GRATIS presents a wall of sound with a complex sense of humor. It would be unfair to say that these hard avant-rockers have been influenced by Mr. Bungle and Psyopus; they have digested them and are using their powers to create a curious and inviting world.
BASILICA features two violins, two guitars, drums, bass, and live video projections. This group of composers and instrumentalists has left the gaiety of the Pantheon Bar in order to conquer the Holy Mountain through explosive performances of engaging music.
MOUTHBREATHER has chosen to stay at home and play guitar, instead of whatever you thought they should do. As a result, they have gotten very good at playing guitar and avoiding what you think they should do. They sing about mutants.
Bring earplugs.