This was originally written on 03.24.2001

Today I spent some time with Tim. I took him into Harrisburg for class and to drop off some scholarship stuff as his car “didn’t have gas” (read Tim didn’t want to drive). I also went to lunch with Tim at a local deli. I’m home in PA for the remainder of break and its good to be able to see Tim and my mom.

As an aside, it seems I won’t be seeing much of Tim this weekend because he’s sold me out for his girlfriend. I guess what goes around comes around because I played the same shit on him back when I was dating Lisa. I met his girlfriend tonight. She’s lovely, but reminds me of Lisa in some ways. She’s just a straight-up teenage girl I guess. The story of how they hooked up is pretty interesting. They met at a model UN conference, she thought he was cute and got his number. I’m sort of frustrated at the ease at which he hooked up. Thinking back on it though, beginning to date Lisa wasn’t much easier. Being single again, I really wish that things were that simple. In the end though, a girl willing to pursue me probably wouldn’t be the right girl for me. I need someone more like myself. However, my extreme shyness complicates matters imensely. Its so easy on the Internet. Tonight a bunch of girls who found my profile on makeoutclub.com. One was a college student writing a novel, another a high school student who likes Vonnegut and plays bass in a jazz funk fusion band. We talked and it was fun and interesting. Off the grid however, I rarely meet girls half as interesting, and when I do meet a girl who excites me, I become petrified and stupid.